My Story of Living With a Brain Injury

I am young adult living with the trials and triumphs as a result of a brain injury. This is my story.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Answer Anxiety

As previously mentioned in this blog, math and I am not, have not and likely will not ever be friends. Especially when it comes to solving math equations. I get anxiety and frustrated if it takes me time to figure out the answer. This was very frustrating to family members who would be attempting to help me with my homework and I would be guessing like mad.
I also recall driving in the car with my parents and they were trying to help me understand blocks, 100 south is one block south of Temple Square, etc. Then they would ask me questions. And I would get tense because it was quiet and I didn't have the answer right then, etc. Also, when I was taking exams for school I would typically be the first one done, having anxiety that if I didn't answer right away I might forget. And I rarely went back to check my answers because it would get too stressful for me. Too much thinking and rethinking. I also tend to make snap decisions in life-I don't like to deliberate!

So, with all that in mind, what's a girl to do???? A few things that have worked for me..... First of all, treating/managing my anxiety better so it wasn't such a deterrent for me. Second, just being aware that it's a challenge for me. Recognizing that I make snap decisions so taking time to think if I can afford to make a snap decision or if it really is something that needs more time and thought. And if I am going to finish a test quickly, I'd better be well prepared the first time! For me, it has been easier to be aware of it and accomodate instead of trying to get rid of it.

And suggestions for children- in my working with children with brain injury, I'll ask them questions but if they appear to be stressed, I'll move on and come back to it. If they show signs of wanting to figure it out, I'll be patient and support them. Most importantly, trying to create an environment where it's not complete silence and one person waiting on me to figure this out.

This is based mainly on my experience but hopefully there is something in here that applies to another's situation as well!
PS- if you read this blog, please let me know. It would really help to have that feedback. Thank you!!!

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