My Story of Living With a Brain Injury

I am young adult living with the trials and triumphs as a result of a brain injury. This is my story.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Emotional Signs.......

Work life this past 4-6 weeks has for the most part been pure HECK. I am NOT trying to be dramatic, attention-seeking, etc. Just honest :)

Now that the dust is beginning to clear, I have learned things about myself, how I respond in times of high emotion-stress, depression, anixety, etc. There is no right or wrong, just a list of things that are "signs" of when I have high emotions.

-I tend to eat less, but something about a cheese quesadilla (slices of a cheese on a whole wheat tortilla nuked in the microwave for 42 seconds) becomes the most appealing dish! When I'm eating more cheese quesadillas, it often something is going on!

-I tend to sleep more on the living couch than in my bed. When I am stressed, I prefer to go to bed watching tv while laying on the couch. I find just laying in my bed in quiet can be kind of stressful

-It can be harder to get "regular" things done-hair done, prescriptions picked up, go the gym, etc. It often does get done sometimes just not as often as it might otherwise.....

The point? It's not so much about me, just word of advice to become aware of you and your feelings. Discover habits, triggers, etc. that occur when your emotions are running high. It can help you identify the challenge and work towards a solution.

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