My Story of Living With a Brain Injury

I am young adult living with the trials and triumphs as a result of a brain injury. This is my story.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rembering the Good Things- A Useful Strategy

When my emotions have been up and down, (as they have been of late) repeatedly a strategy has been of use to me. Remembering the good things/things I am grateful for and then making a record of it. For me, it has been very important to have a record of it because otherwise I forget, and when there IS a record, I can look back on it/read it during the more trying times. It can be recorded in a notebook, journal, blog, camera/picture, etc. Whatever is easiest for you.

It has also been helpful because it helps me put things in perspective- was one event, disagreement, awkward moment, etc really as important with all the other good things going on around it? It reminds me to let stuff go and look at the bigger picture (NOTE: that is not to say that I have mastered the art of "letting go" of things. I haven't. But it helps!)

It also makes me appreciate the small things that much more. The other night I had dinner at my parents house and my Mom made cheese quesadillas for dinner (I helped). It was good but after writing it down, remembering how I felt being with my family, how good the food was, I appreciated it that much more!

This is not just a strategy for the sunny days, but for ANY day, challenging or not. On the days when I want to quit, scream, etc. I try to make being grateful into a "game" How many things can I find to be grateful for today- often I can find a lot, if I choose to look for it!

Not to make light of life's heartbreaks, challenges, disappointments, etc. Trust me. I have been there. But while we can't choose everything in life, we can choose how we feel. And choosing to feel grateful and appreciative has helped me a LOT.

Live. Laugh. Love. Learn. And then make a record of it!

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