My Story of Living With a Brain Injury

I am young adult living with the trials and triumphs as a result of a brain injury. This is my story.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Focus on What You Can Control

I have a very wise and loving sister, "Elizabeth." We talk about lots of things in life and one piece of advice that has stuck with me over time is "Focus on what YOU can control." Don't waste energy on what you can't change.

So, in light of the previous post, instead of being concerned with being a "good enough" friend I am instead putting my energy into ways that I CAN be a good friend. I can still call, text, send cards and invite them over to dinner.

The advice to "focus on what you can control" has helped me a lot. It applies to many different situations and it gives me new perspective, helps me to focus on the positive and invest my energy into the "doing."

What pieces of advice have been helpful for you????

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