My Story of Living With a Brain Injury

I am young adult living with the trials and triumphs as a result of a brain injury. This is my story.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Anxious Behavior

Recently I was visiting with a friend who told me about a family member of hers who was trying to kick the habit of "hoarding" The individual admitted that she was a "hoarder," buying things to quell her anxiety.

I believe that anxiety can influence a lot of different behaviors, particuarly those that we engage in during full-on anxiety. The behavior serves to distract from the anxiety-if you deny a problem, there is none! Or just simply engaging in behavior that is not overly constructive, but you do it to try and make the anxiety go away.

I found this conversation rather fascinating because it got me thinking about what I do in my bouts of anxiety. It made me want to know what behavior I engage in to deny the anxiety or try to make it go away.

I discovered that in my high moments of anxiety, I engage in technology/entertainment. I watch more consecutive tv shows, check my e-mail more often, spend more time on facebook, etc. There are other, perhaps more constructive behaviors I could engage in such as reading a book, exercising, cooking, etc. but I tend to choose the "technology/entertainment" because for me, it seems to require less "brain power" and more "distraction"

Email, tv, facebook, etc are great in moderation. The problem is that when my anxiety hits I tend to spend too much time engaged in those activities, just waiting for the anxiety to pass. One 1/2 hr tv turns into 2 hours, I'm rechecking facebook to see if any of my friends have updated their status.

And really, all those behaviors do is overstimulate my brain. Next time, I feel anxious, my goal is to pick up a book, cook something at the stove, put on running shoes, find a more constructive outlet for dealing wtih my anxiety, one that will leave me feeling less overstimulated in the end.

Questions??? Comments????
Thanks for reading!!!


  1. I am not sure your anxiety quellers are so harmful. Watching TV requires so little engagement or attention. I think you may be being a little bit hard on yourself. Computer browsing is stimulating but also just a way to pass the time. My problem is often browsing leads to buying stuff online. My anxiety diffusers that I feel good about are Sudoku, sewing, knitting, and brisk long walks I know Sudoku is weird but it is surprisingly soothing. I carry a puzzle with me at all times and it draws me in so I do not get over stimulated in public. Just my two cents.

  2. Aly, thanks for reading and commenting!!!!


  3. You're right, there are other more harmful behaviors than excessive tv, facebook, etc. The challenge for me becomes when it's more than 2hrs straight and not really doing anything else- than my head starts to hurt and takes me longer to relax, fall asleep, etc. But I appreciate your perspective!

    And i really like your idea of carrying something calming with you in public, I think I might have to try that myself!

